乐兆工程师将重新设计的产品作为“S-Flex Endurance™联轴器
来源:Lovejoy联轴器 点击数:2410次 更新时间:2020/1/6 15:07:16

Lovejoy很高兴地宣布它重新设计了S-Flex剪切型联轴器产品,使其成为市场上最高质量和最持久的产品。Lovejoy工程师重新配置了这种材料,并提供了一种新的,改进的,更持久的EPDM橡胶套管。Lovejoy将重新设计的产品作为“S-Flex Endurance™联轴器”推出,以表示延长使用寿命和提高性能。该产品于2019年7月1日推出,Lovejoy和PTplace仓库都有库存。该产品的推出恰逢一个新的Lovejoy品牌包装设计,以在Timken系列产品中识别它。



重新配置的S-Flex Endurance联轴器设计经过了Lovejoy的广泛动态循环测试。该测试的结果证明,新的和改进的S-Flex耐久性EPDM材料比以前的版本提供更高的性能和增强的耐用性,现在是市场上最好的品牌,持续时间至少比以前长三倍。

S-Flex Endurance套管的静态和动态扭转刚度测试至少比之前的Lovejoy材料高30%,并且优于目前的竞争对手。Lovejoy产品具有更高的回弹性,因此比以前的材料以及竞争产品更少的热量积聚。此外,测试后检查表明,在这些极端测试条件下,新套管非常耐用,因为它们保持了牙齿形状并且显示出最小的磨损。

改进的EPDM S-Flex耐久性套管材料“关键”特性:

Durability – Lovejoy estimates the new and improved material will be able to last at least three times longer than before. A longer service life is provided even at higher torque ratings. There is also a noticeable abrasion resistance improvement.

Resilience – The rebound characteristics are significantly improved. The new Lovejoy sleeve material absorbs less frictional heat than the current competition. This heat build-up advantage leads to less wear and minimizes the possibility of coupling failure.

Strength – The higher torsional stiffness corresponds with the elastomer’s overall increased toughness (tensile strength and tear strength). This allows many applications to use a smaller, less expensive coupling and still achieve the same torque rating.

Heat Resistance – The sleeve’s temperature rises during operation due to the hysteretic behavior of rubber. The new sleeves exhibited fast heat dissipation and maintained a lower temperature than the competition at the same dynamic cyclic test conditions. The decrease in heat generation leads to a longer service life.

Recovery – Resistance to permanent deformation as well as its elastic recovery has improved.

The new and improved S-Flex Endurance coupling will continue to work well on electric motor driven applications with uniform loads such as centrifugal pumps, blowers and fans, screw compressors, some conveyors, line shafts, and vacuum pumps.

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